Sylve Lowen


Enigmatic to a fault. There's little to be gleaned about this Hyur and his history, save the obvious: He's a true Gunbreaker, through and through.

●Height: 6'1
●Weight: 191 Ponze
●Build: Lean and muscular
●Age: Appears to be in his early 30s
● Dalmascan Ethnicity

◉Distinguishing Features: Large scar on his left cheek. Freckled. Rarely clean shaven, often seen sporting stubble. Messy blonde hair. Sky blue eyes. Heavily scarred from the neck down. Tattoo on his back, just below the nape of his neck. His Dalmascan heritage is painfully apparent to any that might know it's people, though he completely lacks any discernible accent associated with the region.

The Gunbreaker

An uncommon sight in the modern age, Lowen bears the trappings of a Gunbreaker upon his shoulders. Though he'd offer little in regards to how this came to pass, it's clear enough to any versed in the art that his skill comes from it's source: the Hrothgar. True to form, he wields his Gunblade for the well-being of others across any realm in need of a man of his talents. Coincidentally, he has always found himself possessed of an insatiable wanderlust - a perfect fit for his choice of profession. Bound by oath, he carries with himself an unwavering devotion to the code of honor instilled in him by his mentor.

A knight of the people, for the people. A soul made gunmetal.


A book with many chapters, held tight under lock and key. While the footnotes may appear to be warm and inviting, one might find themselves hard pressed to read further without good cause. Lowen is, without a doubt, a man equal parts amiable and puzzling. Receptive, yet reserved. Regardless of these somewhat conflicting messages, he does his best to carry himself with what he sees as his natural "charms and wit" (or so he claims), electing to divert attention rather than outright deny it.A rather unorthodox upbringing left the Hyur with an appreciation for the various cultures and peoples of the world, and as such, he is an overwhelmingly open-minded individual. This, doubled with having spent the better part of his adult life on the road, has given him the opportunity to immerse himself in countless cultures and ways of life. He rarely shys away from even the most bizarre of cultural norms, believing that seeking common ground and understanding is the key to cultivating true, lasting relations. Unfortunately, this openess often leads to a great deal of alienation from more reserved peoples.On occasion, however, his carefully constructed facades might betray themselves, offering up the faintest glimpse at a soul both weary and worn. A tired man, stretched thin. His fatigued eyes carry a heavy burden, an all-too-familiar sight in a world filled with strife.

  • Gunbreaker - Having recieved tutelage from a true Bozjan Gunbreaker, Lowen may stick out like a sore thumb in a world bereft of his chosen trade.

  • Bodyguard - Ensuring the safety of others is the quintessential duty of a Gunbreaker, and as such he is eager to proffer aid to those in need.

  • Adventurer - Lowen is an Adventurer at heart, traveling the world as he pleases. Any excuse to hit the road is a welcome one.

  • Past connections - Being well-traveled opens plenty of avenues for friends, acquaintances, or enemies to have been made over the years.

  • Dalmascans - Lowen was a member of the Dalmascan Resistance, and though his duties often took him far from the estersands, he was present for many key campaigns in the fight for the liberation of his homeland.

  • Airship enthusiasts - Lowen seems to know an absurd amount about Airships, from proper maintenance to even piloting.

  • Eryut Village - Dire circumstances led to a brief, albeit overwhelmingly uncomfortable stay in this Vieran village. His traveling companion at the time, a native, went to great lengths to convince her village elder to shelter the severely injured Hyuran man while he convalesced.

  • Anything else, really. If you're keen, I'm sure we can find a reason!

Current events

With Dalmasca freed from the iron grip of the empire, Lowen has set forth to fufill a promise to an old friend. With a fortified resolve, he forges ahead into an unknown future.

Maril Hawker

An Innocent Soul

In a world of few acquaintances, and even fewer friends, Maril stands high above the rest. He had stopped at a nearby shop with plans only to restock supplies for his travels, though fate would see the two intertwined. This chance encounter quickly turned into one of his most cherished friendships. Though reluctant to admit it even to himself, he cares far more about her than she will likely ever have the chance to know. Doubly so, as he finds himself pulling away for what he believes is her sake. Or perhaps for his own...

Vijkta Miret-njer

An Unorthodox Family

Nothing tempers a bond betwixt two people quite like hardship does. With a long and tumultuous history that you'd be hard pressed to find in anything short of a storybook, Lowen has spent the better part of his life exchanging one life debt for another with this curious Viera. From scorching sands, to deep jungles, the two have traveled far and wide, each step it's own tale in a book that seemingly has no end.

I much prefer my characters to be discovered organically, and as such, these pages contain only what would mostly be public knowledge. His personality, strengths, weaknesses, and the intricacies of his past are all something I encourage to be discovered through interaction. I adhere to canon as best as I am able, but I don't mind a bit of well-founded creativity from others.The world is dangerous, and I enjoy characters that try not to toe the power-fantasy line too hard. Actions should have consequences, even against the mundane.I'm open to themes of all sorts! Mature, dark, gritty, light-hearted - I'm just happy to meet and interact with new people. Feel free to ask me about anything, and I'll let you know how I feel about whatever it is you have in mind.The easiest way to get in touch with me is through Discord, so feel free to hit me up!

  • Discord @ Syl#7506

  • Timezone: EST (Generally available 6:00pm~1:00am on weekdays, more so on weekends.)